Stay, Spend & Spend Scheme
The Irish Government’s “Spend and Save” scheme provides a maximum of €125 in income tax credits to tax-payers who spend up to €625 in restaurants, hotels, and other qualifying businesses, like self-catering accommodation.
As Ballyvaughan Cottages is qualifying business, our guests claim back 20 per cent of their rental paid to us in tax credits.
- It equates to €20 back for every €100 spent.
- A couple can claim up to €250 back under the scheme.
The scheme comes into effect from October 1, 2020 and will be in place through to April 30 2021 - including over the Christmas period.
To use your receipt to claim back
Just use your receipt to claim back up to €125 in just three steps.
- Step 1: Download the Revenue Receipts Tracker App (or use the QR code to download the app below)
- Step 2: Upload and enter details of your receipts
- Step 3: Claim your savings through a tax credit